Digital competences and their incidence in the elaboration of didactic resources

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Nube Maribel Calle Calle
Darwin Gabriel García Herrera
Pablo Fernando Cisneros Quintanilla


The use of information technologies in the classroom is increasingly important, since students are exposed to various devices with which they access information through the observation of audiovisual material. Consequently, teaching staff must be trained and updated in digital skills for the development of teaching material. The objective of the research work was to analyze teaching digital skills and their influence on initial and nursery education activities at the San Francisco de Gualleturo School. The study had a qualitative approach; the interview technique was applied to a total of 3 teachers and the categories were analyzed: knowledge, use and development of digital teaching resources. Among the main results, it was obtained that teachers know various digital tools; however, they require training to optimize their use. The development of training in digital tools for the preparation of 2D and 3D presentations was proposed, as well as the incorporation of the use of digital calendars. It was concluded that the use of digital teaching resources increases children's interest in content.


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Calle Calle, N. M., García Herrera, D. G., & Cisneros Quintanilla, P. F. (2022). Digital competences and their incidence in the elaboration of didactic resources. Explorador Digital, 6(4), 60-80.


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