Artificial intelligence as a didactic resource for the teaching of Dentomaxillofacial Imaging

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Verónica Ivanova Verdugo Tinitana
Sandra Elizabeth Mena Clerque


The objective of the research was to determine the expectations of the students regarding the use of artificial intelligence for dentomaxillofacial imaging Materials and methods This study is a descriptive, current quantitative research, the population of this research had the participation of 283 people, 183 students of Dentistry at the Catholic University of Cuenca in fourth cycle and eighth cycle, specifically those who took the imaging subject in practically equal proportions. On the other hand, radiologists participated, including those who only practiced radiology and teaching radiologists. Information collected from radiologists and teaching radiologists. Results Little knowledge by students and teachers of the subject, high percentages in relation to teaching-learning strategy. Low level that the radiologist will be replaced by artificial intelligence. Little familiarity with the subject, limiting artificial intelligence as a teaching and learning strategy in a positive way for both the professional and the students for the anatomical and pathological field and that the radiologist will not be replaced by Artificial Intelligence.


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How to Cite
Verdugo Tinitana, V. I., & Mena Clerque, S. E. (2022). Artificial intelligence as a didactic resource for the teaching of Dentomaxillofacial Imaging. Explorador Digital, 6(3.1), 91-108.


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