The new Physical Education curriculum in Ecuador

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Iván Giovanny Bonifaz Arias
José Alfredo Sánchez Anilema
Víctor Hugo Herrera Mena
Raul Mauricio Paredes Tapia


The objective of the present study, was to analyze the new physical education curriculum in Ecuador, which has been implemented by the Undersecretary of Educational Foundations of the Ministry, arguing that the changes are adapted to a ten-year plan on inclusion and attention to diversity; and that it also contains a proposal for face-to-face and online training that provides a flexibility methodology so that, the teacher adapts to the needs of the students. For this reason, a readjustment has been made that simplifies the organization contemplated in the presentation of an annual planning to a curriculum by sub-level that covers three years of study. The simplification will be implemented in basic education where there are four sublevels: preparatory, elementary, middle and higher; where for each sublevel an analytical plan is contemplated with its respective mandatory and optional objectives; while the same also happens at the baccalaureate level with a duration of three years. The analysis contemplated the impact of the reform, the subject, the teacher and the students, concluding that any change represents new challenges identifying new problems and strengths that must be influenced through educational alternatives framed in strategies and techniques including students who have difficulties in learning


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How to Cite
Bonifaz Arias, I. G., Sánchez Anilema , J. A., Herrera Mena, V. H., & Paredes Tapia, R. M. (2020). The new Physical Education curriculum in Ecuador. Explorador Digital, 4(3), 252-265.


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