Crear un camino desde la enseñanza en línea de emergencia a la educación en línea sostenible

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Diana Carolina Campaña Días
María Cristhina Robalino Araujo
Sandra Paulina Porras Pumalema
Daniela Alejandra Bonilla Yucailla


This article is a review of state-of-the-art literature related to the emergency online teaching practices that have taken place during the pandemic resulting from the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The authors move along, exploring how these emergency online-teaching practices could become sustainable online education. Nonetheless, in several cases, higher education institutions have had to adapt to, and adopt, specific strategies so that they have been able to transfer their face-to-face curriculum to a digital world – for which not everybody was prepared. Best practices are analyzed and proposed, aiming at offering language teachers and, in fact, educators from different fields, with criteria on how they could attain said sustainability, in the light that the current educational scenario, where online education has become ubiquitous, is bound to stay for longer than initially expected. The literature analysis demonstrates that, even though there are a number of teachers and institutions aligned with specific principles of online teaching, such as following and approaching online pedagogy, there is still room for improvement, more specifically in the use of authoring tools (such as video editors and other multimodal tools).


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How to Cite
Campaña Días, D. C., Robalino Araujo, M. C., Porras Pumalema, S. P., & Bonilla Yucailla, D. A. (2020). Crear un camino desde la enseñanza en línea de emergencia a la educación en línea sostenible. Explorador Digital, 4(3), 241-251.


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