The Parrandas of central Cuba: a recource for the diversification of the tourist offer and local development

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Damián Hernández Martínez
José Antonio Rios Ramírez
Maikol Manuel Pérez García


Introduction: The Parrandas of Central Cuba, declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, first emerged in 1820 in Remedios, and are festivities celebrated by eighteen towns in three provinces of the country: Villa Clara, Sancti Spíritus, and Ciego de Ávila. Out of the total of eighteen parrandas, only that of San Juan de los Remedios, being the birthplace, is exploited as an attraction, as evidenced by the background of the present research, which only analyzes the tourist potential of the festivity of the Eighth Villa of Cuba, and not that of the rest of the parrandas. Objective:  The objective of the research is to demonstrate the potential of the Parrandas of Central Cuba as a resource for diversifying the tourism offering and local development. Methodology: The methods employed include theoretical methods such as document analysis and synthesis that underpin the research. Additionally, empirical methods such as direct observation and interviews with the local population and officials from various institutions linked to intangible heritage were used. Results:  Results The inclusion of these festivities in the tourism offering would yield positive results, such as increased income for the host population reflected in the development of handicrafts, culinary culture, as well as improvements to the infrastructure of these territories. To achieve this, it was necessary to clarify the distances to the main established destinations in the region, the access routes, establish information channels for the knowledge of this tradition given the current influence of social media, and calculate an appropriate carrying capacity to avoid negative consequences related to cultural tourism. Conclusion: This research serves as a precedent for the development of "La Ruta de las Parrandas" as a future integrated product of the Central Region of Cuba.


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How to Cite
Hernández Martínez, D., Rios Ramírez, J. A., & Pérez García, M. M. (2024). The Parrandas of central Cuba: a recource for the diversification of the tourist offer and local development. Explorador Digital, 8(1), 45-57.


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