Supply Chain and its impact on the quality of the bodybuilding sector in the province of Tungurahua.

In Ecuador, there are a variety of activities that help the country's productive matrix, among them the bodywork production activities that have the greatest boom in the province of Tungurahua, so they always look for integral logistics that includes planning, organization and control of all the activities related to the reception of raw materials, transfer and storage of products, to satisfy the needs and requirements that the demand requires, in a fast, efficient way and with the lowest possible costs. Objectives: Identify how logistics influences to achieve a 4.0 supply chain, analyze the impact of quality on the competitiveness of the bodybuilding market. Methodology: The research design turns based on a quantitative approach to more than a descriptive method. The population was made up of 27 auto body companies from the province of Tungurahua, this information is mentioned based on the latest information from 2017, the questionnaire was made up of 14 items, the questionnaire to have the validity required for this research was previously approved by professionals on issues related to this research. Contributions: This article seeks to identify the origin of the different production processes through which a product goes through, as well as its subsequent logistics with its delivery to the final consumer, all this to the application of traceability. In addition to the recognition of the bodybuilding companies in the province of Tungurahua that implement the ISO 9001

Bertha Andrea Almeida Chafla, Wilson Fernando Jiménez Castro


Teleworking in Ecuador

Teleworking is a phenomenon that has become globalized and is emerging with greater force due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19; brings with it the use of technologies and an almost total immersion in the digital world, so that the current needs of work have bordered unimaginable levels of development of information and communication technologies, considered today as new forms of organization of the work and as primary tools to perform functions entrusted under a dependency relationship, which do not merit the presence of the worker, but are carried out in the home or another place outside the usual one. Objectives: Its objective is to determine the scope of legal protection that prevents or avoids long periods of digital connection, generating psychosocial risks that affect the physical, mental or emotional health of workers. Teleworking could violate human rights such as digital disconnection, time off and enjoying vacations. Methodology: For this, the historical-descriptive research method was used, of a documentary type of bibliographic review, in which the internal and international legislation on normative reforms regarding teleworking and the right to disconnection as fundamental axes in labor matters is described. Contributions: Telework generates a number of positive and negative contributions to society, therefore, it is important that the current legal regulations related to the subject be analyzed from a descriptive point of view that generates knowledge to workers, companies and about everything is avoided the repercussions of an inadequate treatment to this type of work.

Diana Maricela Bermúdez Santana, Alberto Mauricio Pangol Lascano


Research study on neuromarketing in tourism

A bibliometric analysis was carried out on neuromarketing, given the relevance of scientific publications on the subject and the diversity of theories of its conceptualization. As indicators, the productivity of the authors, the collaboration in the publications, the descriptors studied, the years of publication and the distribution of the research according to journals or branches of science were considered. Multivariate statistical methods were used such as Cluster Analysis with the corresponding algorithms and the New Zealand software Weka 3.9.5. From retrospective observation, the contingency between qualitative variables such as psychocognitive processes, neuroimaging techniques and their scope in the marketing of sectors of the economy such as tourism was interpreted, under the paradigm of scientific neuroethics, given its application in customer behavior investigations. To determine the regression between two or more variables, given the adjustments between the obtained functions and the point cloud, goodness of fit methods were applied. As main results, the functional dependence among the variables studied prevailed and to a lesser extent the random or partial statistical correlation. The most significant were the galvanic skin response biometry technique, consumer behavior, as well as the psychological influence of brands in the purchase process and the placebo effect. Its comprehensive analysis at the business level allows increasing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and commercial management in line with the sustainable development of the tourism economy.

Soima Rosa Méndez Lazo, Yasser Vázquez Alfonso, Sacha Lazo del Vallín, Yolanda Tatiana Carrasco Ruano


Prior control practices to avoid corruption

In Ecuador in recent years, the commission of acts of corruption has been observed, especially in public contracting, which, for the most part, is subject to overpricing, which is why it is proposed as Objectives: Participate in special examinations of contracting of Certain work, through the Bidding process, having confirmed that there was a surcharge, a contract that was addressed from the authorities and members of the Contracting Committee, using out-of-time hours of attention to the public; and the second, by training small and medium-sized farmers, carried out through a public tender for lower-value offers, demonstrating compliance with the efficiency, effectiveness and economy policies established by the State Comptroller General's Office. Methodology: Applies the analytical method by having to examine in depth the internal characteristics of the object or phenomenon of study, define and adequately describe the problems that were studied and analyzed, in order to obtain the expected results. Contributions: This article aims to demonstrate that, through effective practices of prior control in public contracting with the participation of the Comptroller General of the Nation, acts of corruption that, at present, has become fashionable, can be avoided directly affecting the treasury national.

Gema Viviana Paula Alarcón, Doris Nataly Gallegos Santillán


Hospital management indicators in times of Covid 19

Introduction: Hospital organizations play an outstanding role in the treatment and cure of people with the most serious conditions. With the onset of the pandemic caused by covid 19, the hospital must worry about carrying out research in the biosocial, epidemiological and health fields in order to increase the competitiveness of its management. Objective: to carry out a bibliographic analysis on the main aspects of hospital management in times of covid 19. Results: A summary of the most relevant aspects of hospital management in times of covid 19 is obtained, the main methods of grouping patients used, The most widely used patient classification method is structured triage and Diagnosis Related Groups, the main elements of the new integrated hospital management are determined, in order to optimize the service and the main hospital management indicators as a tool that allows generating timely and reliable information to guide the institution towards the achievement of its established objectives. Conclusions: The new integrated management system contains three main pillars: epidemiological management, preventive services and case surveillance, for which alternatives such as active research and epidemiological surveys, supported by computer applications, have been used.

Yasniel Sánchez Suárez, Leydis Trujillo García, Maylín Marqués León, Orlando Santos Pérez


Legal nature of civil and commercial companies and their relationship with notarial practice

In Ecuador, a number of companies of different nature coexist, among which it is convenient to mention civil companies, commercial companies, and those companies called "de facto". But in addition to the aforementioned, there is a type of company that is being constituted in practice. By this I mean "civil and commercial" companies, which, as will be analyzed throughout this article, cannot be considered as if they were of a corporate type, since the companies are either civil or commercial, and that the attribution contained in numeral 29, of article 18, of the notarial law -which is the legal support on which the creation is being based of these companies- what it intended was to eliminate the requirement of judicial approval existing for commercial companies in collective name and in simple limited partnership, transferring that power to the notarial service, but not to create a non-existent legal entity such as the so-called ¨civil society and trade. Objective.- The objective of this work is to demonstrate, through the analysis of several cases, how, through the interpretation of article 18, numeral 29, of the Notarial Law, ¨civile and mercantile¨ companies are being wrongly constituted as if they were a kind of company. Methodology.- In this research work, the following methods have been applied: inductive and logical historical. Contributions.- This paper seeks to contribute to the Ecuadorian corporate legal debate, by criticizing the interpretation that is being given of a norm that has mistakenly allowed the constitution of the so-called “civil and mercantile societies”, which, as will be analyzed, does not have a support legal.

David Alejandro Arroba López
