Analysis of the behavioral factors of the users of the cooperative system in the urban area of the Giron and San Fernando cantons.

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Carmen Cristina Siranaula Puma
Gabriela Isabel Araujo Ochoa


In this article the cooperative financial system will be known because it had a severe and constant evolution in Ecuador, with the purpose of being closer to the users, because of this they have been attracted to be able to fulfill their objectives since they have had a Significant support, for this reason, an objective was made of an analysis of the behavioral factors of the users of the cooperative savings and credit system in the urban area of the Girón and San Fernando cantons, the methodology used for the quantitative approach and research Conclusive descriptive, with a study population of 5,480 users of the cooperative system, reaching a sample of 360 users, using a margin of error of 5%, with a reliability coefficient 1.96. As a result of the investigation, both men and women have to choose the different cooperatives for the good attention, for the benefits, the credit facilities and for the trust that generates them, finally it is concluded that a greater focus on the users is required because they are not clear about the reasons for choosing being caused by not having enough knowledge about the cooperative system.


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How to Cite
Siranaula Puma, C. C., & Araujo Ochoa, G. I. (2020). Analysis of the behavioral factors of the users of the cooperative system in the urban area of the Giron and San Fernando cantons. Visionario Digital, 4(4), 82-97.


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