Strategic planning as a development tool for agricultural companies in Ecuador

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Edison Ruperto Carrillo Parra Edison Ruperto Carrillo Parra
Ángel Eduardo Rodríguez Solarte
Mario Alfonso Arellano Díaz


This work is the summarized result of the degree work called "Strategic plan to improve the efficiency of financial administrative processes in the dairy company" CAMPO FINO ", of the city of Salcedo during the period 2018 - 2023" carried out by Eng Ing. Ligio Elena Mora Cevallos, as part of her degree work, under the guidance of the undersigned, and seeks to develop tools that strengthen the financial administrative processes of the dairy company "CAMPO FINO", since this business organization does not have a strategic plan that allows to enhance its processes and therefore improve the results of its management.

The first phase was the application of a diagnosis that determines the administrative and financial status. The second phase is the development of a proposal aimed at solving the problems found in the diagnosis.

For the development of this work, a participatory methodology will be used whose fundamental actors are the collaborators of the operational and administrative area of ​​the company, as well as the criteria of its clients, regarding what is the expectation regarding the level of service, and what they expect from the products that the company has placed in the markets.

Finally, to prepare the proposal we will start from the different concepts and models established, accepted and applied by successful companies, adapted to the reality of our environment and the idiosyncrasy of our people, factors that are fundamental in the design of efficient strategies that allow attracting the largest number of customers, in the local, regional, national environment, this will undoubtedly underpin the corporate image of the company, which in turn will allow the development of a brand with identity and positioned in the market.


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How to Cite
Edison Ruperto Carrillo Parra, E. R. C. P., Rodríguez Solarte, Ángel E., & Arellano Díaz, M. A. (2020). Strategic planning as a development tool for agricultural companies in Ecuador. Visionario Digital, 4(3), 181-203.


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