Construction of a Management Model as a tool to achieve the social, economic sustainability of the "Complejo Turístico Dique de San Isidro", in the rural parish of San Isidro, Canton Morona

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Tania Patricia Lara Cárdenas
Julio Cesar Benavides Lara
Alexis Jamil Cabrera Arteaga


The objective of the study is the construction of a MANAGEMENT MODEL for the project "Tourist Complex Dique San Isidro" investment of the Rural Parish Government San Isidro belonging to the Morona canton. The research necessarily had to alert social actors about the positive and negative impacts of tourism activity through a theoretical and conceptual framework adapted to local reality so that with this information decision-makers have sufficient arguments for generating public value and social sustainability.

For the construction of the Management Model methodologically, the execution of three stages is proposed, which are based on the problems identified for the operation of the Complex, and then from the MAP OF KEY PROCESSES add the Process diagrams, input for the preparation of manuals; in addition to a Value Chain, an instrument for the articulation and creation of the tourist destination. Finally, a Management Scheme is inserted, supported by the Deming cycle and the Organizational and Functional Structures respecting the dynamics and legality.

For the third stage of the study, a DASHBOARD is proposed, which contains 129 management indicators distributed by key processes, frequency and managers.  Undoubtedly, this tool must be socialized with all the actors and, of course, it must be contextualized in the territory to then recognize the usefulness for monitoring and evaluating the impact of the implementation and operation of the Dique de San Isidro Tourist Complex; as well as the generation of inputs for accountability.


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How to Cite
Lara Cárdenas , T. P., Benavides Lara, J. C., & Cabrera Arteaga, A. J. (2020). Construction of a Management Model as a tool to achieve the social, economic sustainability of the "Complejo Turístico Dique de San Isidro", in the rural parish of San Isidro, Canton Morona . Visionario Digital, 4(3), 81-101.


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