Particular characteristics found in the comparison between signatures impregnated on paper and digitally captured signatures
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Introduction. With the appearance of the different technological devices used in the criminal, documentology relies on them to carry out an exclusive analysis of the elements produced by writing. A document is a reason for comparison when there is suspicion of a change in its features, however, through the analysis, the intentionality of the alteration whose origin may be fraudulent or non-fraudulent must be ruled out. Each element provided to a signature is a hallmark of everyone, the use of technology has allowed the ease of execution of digital signatures, thus leaving aside little by little the holographic signatures, this leads to the development of software applicable to the collation of digital signatures allowing the discarding and comparison of doubtful and doubtful elements. Objective. Detail the effective techniques and methods that are applied in the identification of digital signatures that allow the expert to verify the authenticity of documents. Methodology. The present investigation entails a qualitative investigation; it is the product of the search for bibliographic review in different scientific journals of great interest, analysis of the different articles, besides, the application of surveys and interviews with different experts. Results. In the comparison between holographic and digital signatures, the techniques used in conventional calligraphic appraisal go hand in hand with the use of software, since it allows to analyze characteristic points products of the lines made during the reproduction of a writing. Conclusion. The software applied by experts in the comparison of holographic and handwritten signatures is of great importance, but not vital, since they allow during their use to discard and compare several samples, after all, there are elements that cannot be analyzed and remain under the scientific knowledge and experience of the expert, is the only one in charge of validating the veracity of said variables found. General area of study: Criminal Law. Specific area of study: Criminalist.
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